
Belief in your own superiority is a justified cause. In all fairness, when a person has a belief, they don't want to be wrong. It hurts to be wrong. It sucks to admit that you at your most organic self didn't do something right. Maybe there was a Facebook post or an Instagram picture that at the time you believed in it, but over time, eh....

I'm not "right" and you're not "wrong," because these are constructs humans use to define and therefore categorize things. There is no one way to do anything. If I want women to have more power, then I believe that men need to feel more empowered. Men need more confidence and to be true to themselves versus the stereotypes that may pigeonhole them. Then women will be able to flourish and grow. The initial steps of empowering men for the big picture of empowering women would undoubtedly get misunderstood. As subtle as it might be, the stereotypes of men in media may be the thing keeping women more suppressed than anything else.

Now, what is hate? Hate is defined as intense passion or dislike. Alright, so when we hate each other we have an intense feeling about it. "I hate you," is indicative of something you did or quality about you that invoked strong emotions of dislike inside of me. I have allowed something you did to affect me. I allowed it


Hmmm, interesting. Interesting that I am comforted by others like me in my small circles of acquaintances that my HATE is justified. I get to hate because they did this. I get to talk crap because, well, you would to, if (fill in blank).

So, who am I to hate? What right do I have to get to hate anyone for anything they do? I might not agree with certain things based on my beliefs and experiences in life, but to hate, now we left the world of rational. Emotions are what provoke actions that cause consequences. Emotions justify our acts of hatred with excuses, "but he....," "But they....." In reality whatever it is "they" do really is only something that affects us, because again, WE ALLOW IT TO.

I am not superior enough to understand why people do what they do, but I am aware enough to know how it affects me. News stories affect me all the time. I know most news is biased and has some political agenda, however if I hear a story about a war veteran or a sick and dying child, my heart hurts (not literally). I put myself in the shoes of the loved ones and I allow, for a brief second, their pain to affect me. I then have to disconnect for it is not my emotion. I allow sadness at times to remind me how good I have it. I need to remember how good we in America have it.

Some may argue, but I get to choose almost my entire day. I get to go to church and can post almost anything I want without fear of death.

I am not, nor are you (bold statement), superior enough to cast judgment or assume you understand, until you have sat down to actually understand other people. People with addiction taken at one shot look pathetic. They look weak. They look like they are vial beings of society. Yea, I get it, cast your judgments for this person is just taking from society. Sure, however what was their life like? How were they raised? What did their parents or other caregivers do for fun? Again, if you don't know and only see their 5th treatment episode paid for by the government because they have no insurance, then you judge. In your superior chair up high you look down.

Hate for any person of color, creed, and nationality exists more than anyone cares to admit. People assume things about a certain group and whenever one stereotype reinforces it, we feel a sense of superiority. Why, well because our beliefs are reinforced. Actions of certain people, places, things fit our agenda. It feels good to be right. It feels bad to be wrong. The feeling is ours and external actions are given more power than we may realize.

Just like the movie Inception, Leonardo DiCaprio couldn't just go into the guy's mind and give the idea, he had to have the guy believe it for himself. In the original Matrix when Neo chose what pill to take, meaning he made an investment. A pill was not given to him. We all have a choice in a matter and living by example shows others that we can get along. You can't make people stop hating or protesting. Quite honestly by attempting to stop or giving the the response they wanted reinforces it. What you can do though is live your way.
Living the love without a word spoken.
To live means organically, not just say or post words or put on a shirt that states " ______lives matter." No, you have to treat all lives like they do matter if you really want to employ a change in environment.

Superiority is a funny thing, ignorance at its finest. It lies within us and drives us to believe that our thoughts and emotions are the "right" ones. People fear change and different backgrounds can implement this. You may feel just and supported as being "right" however look through someone else's perspective. You might see another "truth" you were unaware of.


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