Sweet, lazy, little me. |
I would connive and scheme as to how I could avoid work, but yet weren't those things work in themselves? Was I really lazy when I was actively trying to convince my mom and dad without consequence to allow me off the hook from any said chores or projects? When I would get out of stuff, I was miserable in boredom, as though to admit I wasn't doing something and maybe missed the work?
So, what I needed at the time was a mind able to see through the "here and now" and instead do what I realized fulfilled my purpose more appropriately. I was bored a lot as a kid, therefore I ate stimulating junk food, a habit I carried through to this day when boredom triggers a desire for stimulation, food being the utmost high. What I need though is to see these obvious things and put them to use. I had to learn to live with my gifts rather than run away from them.
This is all easier said then done, and what I needed wasn't ever what I wanted. For example, I needed love, for we all do. I took to excessive lifting, gym-culture, and much time spent on very superficial routines (my motive was superficial for there are people with more depth than I who engage in the culture) all to receive attention, and therefore love. I was not happy with myself and thought that by spending time in one area, a superficial one, I would make people love me. I could alter myself, run away from this fat child to finally obtain a worthiness of love. All these wrongfully, planned, desired motives took me further away from any actual love and instead put me in this inauthentic place.
With age, came a way to still be lazy, but appear to show work. |
Through humility, admitting that my way was not the best and that I was misguided and that I invested so many years into a perspective that wasn't helpful was painful. Pain like being hit by a bus. To admit things about myself seemed so pathetic. I felt like this little worm inside of a hard metal casing. The muscles were my case for they needed to be thick to protect the fragile inside. I had to admit these things, not to reinforce a "loser," but to begin the rebuilding process of what I needed.
Just like underwear on Christmas morning, sometimes we get what we need, not what we wanted. |
What we need is not going to be enjoyable. Not unless you are thirsty and need water, for then that water will be worth more than any money you could want. What we need is totally different than want. Need brings about the things that bring about the best in us. Want might reinforce the parts we actually want to improve on to avoid further consequences. It is the willingness to apply this and take steps to do what is needed, more difficult and active than the wants. For the wants are under our choosing where the needs might not be.
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