Warm and Cozy

The natural gas flame flickers blue amidst the fake fire. 
The tree, a mess from a 2-year old’s desire. 
A piece of a chewed-up decoration appears underneath, 
the chair covered in fur, and what’s this, a skewed piece of wreath? 
The smell of broccoli and eggs fills the air, 
As a child is screaming “Uh, no, not over there.”
A wife trying to get in a few exchanges on a SIMS game 
While dad stands awaiting the latest TV fame. 

A lower-middle class all snug in their house, 
while visions on Food Network dance all about. 
Mom in her gym pants and me wearing shorts 
have just settled in from a work day of sorts. 
The feeling is rest, but no rest will be had, 
The child is upset and dare I say it, being bad? 

What can this family do but appreciate the time, 
all that is left is an hour till 9. 
Bed is at 8:30 and the night lingers on, 
it’s hard to appreciate, but when we do, it’s gone. 
As I contemplate sitting in the nice rocking chair, 
the little black Boston, just became aware. 
He has to go out to the bathroom no doubt. 
Into the cold with his wet little snout. 
He is inconsistent this he is when at his best, 
the Husky gets jealous and she gives him no rest. 
I enjoy the humor in their erratic behavior, 
as I glance into the kitchen at the fridge past the savior. 

One decoration I see sticks outward the most, 
it is the scene of the birth of our heavenly host. 
Jesus he lay in a manger with sheep, 
depicted by plastic and moss all a heap. 
I can’t help but wonder if Mary had known, 
the significance her child would obtain on the throne. 
As my Christmas night lingers defined by the lights, 
I can’t help but wonder if we are doing this right. 
I hope to raise a child who appreciates the time, 
and listens as Jesus is told in a rhyme. 
A little story of a baby all swaddled in sacks, 
a baby who had no other place to rest for a nap. 
The shiny in this world is not always best, 
give your heart to Jesus and you will then find some rest. 

Small little child in a world full of hate
I take that back its my negative of late.
The world is not any more darker than should be
Instead it needs something, more positivity.
This you can do, little girl with the screaming
You are stubborn I tell you, but daddy is beaming.
You have made me so proud as you show your true strength
Sit here with daddy as he goes to great lengths. 
I love you dear Brody, way less than Jesus
He was born and died all of it for us. 

Take these words into your heart on this cold night
Jesus please help me to raise this girl in your light.
Please drink responsibly. 
Merry Christmas everybody. 


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