Have Your Cake and Eat it Too.
A Doughnut cake, different then a cake doughnut. Doing things you enjoy for the sake of doing them. This, a concept often overlooked, one I personally struggle with. Ulterior motives linger as I type. Thoughts about how others will receive what I think. I choose my words carefully for I fear this. A pattern throughout my life, a pattern that caused more pain, then pain would allow for. A brutally honest post means others will know what I have feared for so long; what people thought of me. I wanted to be "cool." I want people to think I have things "under control," whatever that means. It took me 31 years to finally realize and accept that I will die one day and that I could have wasted my time on the in-between. This place of not fully doing what you want and not quite doing what you ought to do, a concept taken from The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis. A concept that hit hard. It's easier to say, "no, I like these things." When in reality I ...